We are now into our third week here in Australia. As we learn more about our duties and responsibilities, we are amazed at what is taking place here already. We are little overwhelmed by it all, sort of drinking water from a fire hose. At least, that is the impression we are having at the beginning.
This past week we had the experience of being with the full-time missionaries, first on Monday, Aug. 13 in a Zone Conference of the Sydney North Mission and again on Saturday, Aug. 18 when we participated in a service project. All missionaries in Australia and Paupa New Gunina are to receive a 72 hour kit in case of emergency or possible sudden evacuation. We helped fill about 850 backpacks of supplies including water, food, personal hygiene products, first aid kits, etc. It was fun being with some of the elders from both the North and Sydney South Mission in a warehouse owned by a prominent member to accomplish this important task. The backpacks are to shipped immediately and be available for emergency use only. Thus, we are helping be prepared, a good scout motto.
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