e hënë, 21 janar 2008

Back To Work With Assignment Thru The Snowy River Mountains

Right after the beginning of the New Year, we traveled south of Sydney on assignment to visit various locations stopping first in Canberra, Australia's capitol city. We visited several museums, including the famous War Memorial where we stayed most of the day, seeing many exhibits and discovering some of Clint's ancestors who served and died in Australia's military. We then traveled through the Snowy River Mountains reaching Wangaratta, where we stayed at the Warby Lodge, visited businesses on Warby Street and visited Warby Range State Park. We had an orientation visit with a new Director of Public Affairs called for that area. We stopped in the city of Tumut to visit the Blowering Reservoir where Clint's cousin Ken Warby set the world speed record on water in the 70's which still stands. On our way back to Sydney, we stopped in Campbelltown to visit some other Warby landmarks. After arriving, a few days later we had an invitation by our supervisor one day to visit beautiful Terrigal and its famous beach which is north of Sydney. We are staying busy and seeing much of this beautiful country which we really enjoy and love!

1 koment:

Robert Allen tha...

Clint & Joyce,
Here we are rapidly approachin the end of January and another winter. It has been a little colder than usual, however we have been blessed so far with greater than normal snowfall. Thankfully we haven't spent too much time in the inversion, but air quality is very poor this week.
We have enjoyed seeing this blog site for the first time and see that there is much potential for you in many ways on your mission. Keep up the good work.
TOCDF continues to make progress in the quest to make mustard go away. We remain 'right on schedule'. Larry Eitel has 'retired to Hurricane where he will lead the Civil Air Patrol out of St. George. Linda Rae Johnson also retired to Hurricane, only a stone's throw from Larry. It would be difficult to describe how things have changed in the Field Office.
We continue to wish you well in everything you do. Is there any need we can help you with?

Robert & Linda Allen